Wanted to Know About Entrepreneurship?


One man said, "The businessman only makes a profit, But entrepreneurs benefit themselves by benefiting society."

Meaning of Entrepreneurship

That one is a bit limited as a fundamental entrepreneurial definition. The more current meaning of entrepreneurship includes the goal of changing the world by solving major challenges. For example, bringing about societal change or developing a creative product that disrupts the status quo of how we go about our everyday lives.
But to me entrepreneurship means something else. Entrepreneurship means a dream, Entrepreneurship means a challenge, Entrepreneurship means the inhuman work of a human being, Entrepreneurship means the beginning of a new horizon which is in the hands of an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs have the ability to take the first step toward improving the world for everyone in it, including themselves.

Definition of Entrepreneurship

The definition of entrepreneurship is a person who takes action to create a difference in the world. Whether they address an issue that many people face every day, connect people together in ways no one has done before, or develop something new that improves society, all startup entrepreneurs have one thing in common: they take action.

It's not a nagging thought in your brain. Entrepreneurs take a concept and put it into action. Entrepreneurship is all about putting plans into action.

About Entrepreneur

An entrepreneur is a person who solves a problem in the society and turns that solution into a business. Being an entrepreneur entails much more than starting a firm or creating jobs.
Entrepreneurs are some of the most powerful movers and shakers in the world. Entrepreneurs have a unique perspective on the world, from Elon Musk sending humans to Mars to Bill Gates and Steve Jobs making computers a part of every home.

Where the normal person sees annoyances and difficulties, entrepreneurs see potential and solutions.

Why is Entrepreneurship So Important? 

1. Jobs would not exist if entrepreneurs did not exist. Entrepreneurs take up the danger of being self-employed. Their desire to expand their company eventually leads to the creation of additional employment. As their company expands, more jobs are generated.

2. Businesses have produced some of the most important innovations in today's world. The demand for technical advancements stems from a desire to solve a problem, increase efficiency, or better the world. Entrepreneurs are frequently to thank for technological advancements during periods of rapid growth.

3. Entrepreneurs have high dreams. As a result, some of their ideas will undoubtedly have a global impact. They could develop a new product that answers a pressing issue or take on the challenge of discovering something new. With their goods, ideas, or enterprises, many people hope to make the world a better place.

4. While some people believe the wealthy are nasty and selfish, they often go above and above for the greater good. They earn more money and, as a result, pay more taxes, which aids in the funding of social services. Entrepreneurs are among the most generous supporters to charity and nonprofit organizations for a variety of causes. Some people want to use their money to assist impoverished areas gain access to things that we take for granted, such as clean drinking water and adequate health care.

5. In an economy, entrepreneurship creates new wealth. Entrepreneurs' innovative ideas and improved goods or services enable for the expansion of new markets and riches.

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Md. Meraj Hossain
B.Sc. in ICE (Information and Communication Engineering)
(Running Student)